The enhanced Interdisciplinary Research Training Institute will conduct an annual Summer Program to initiate training, mentoring, and networking support for participating predoc, postdoc and early career investigators. The Summer Program will be conducted as a 7-day training institute that will provide participants interested in pursuing a career in Hispanic substance abuse research with a unique training opportunity to develop and build their skills in selected core areas of substance abuse research. The sessions will center on imparting general and specialized knowledge as well as specific research skills. Specifically, the Summer Program will have the following objectives:
- To provide practical research skills and basic methodological principles
- To assist in the development and sharpening of skills that will increase the capacity of participants to conduct research, leading to extramural NIH funding and peer reviewed publications
- To promote interest and professional commitment to Hispanic substance abuse research
The sessions will provide fellows who are interested in pursuing a career in Hispanic substance abuse research with a unique opportunity for instruction from a core faculty of leading NIDA and related NIH institute researchers in Hispanic addiction research. Presenters will be selected from the pool of leading Hispanic substance abuse researchers who have previously participated in the IRTI and made a commitment to this current application (see letters from participating program faculty members.
The summer program is held in Los Angeles, California. All expenses associated with travel and lodging are covered by the eIRTI. Additionally, each fellow receives a stipend of $500.