Eligibility and Application Requirements


  1. Status as a pre-doctoral student (completed at least 3 years of program), postdoctorate or assistant professor with no history of NIH funding and/or has not previously competed successfully as PI for a substantial NIH independent research award
  2. An expressed commitment to pursue a career in drug abuse research that can benefit Hispanics, whether as a bench scientist or as a behavioral science investigator
  3. Preliminary evidence of scientific scholarship such as publications in peer-reviewed journals
  4. A personal statement that identifies research goals and preparedness to actively participate in a research program aimed at becoming an independent NIH investigator.


  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Statement of research interests and career objectives. This will be used by the admissions committee as a statement of the particular areas of interest and expertise of the applicant. Please include:
    • Long term career goals
    • How a fellowship with the eIRTI will assist you in achieving these career goals
    • What area(s) you would plan to conduct research in while an eIRTI fellow
    • A particular aim or hypothesis you would want to investigate
    • A brief description of your methodological research approach
    • Your suggestion on what area or topic (i.e. statistics, epidemiology, etc.) you would benefit most from during the eIRTI Summer Training Institute
  3. 2 letters of recommendation to the eIRTI Selection Committee
  4. Completed application form


  • eIRTI admissions committee will be accepting applications through February 17, 2023.
  • Final decisions and notifications will be made March 2023.
  • The 2023 Summer Training will take place June 5-11, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA.

Click here to apply now!