
Building upon the mentoring activities, the eIRTI will facilitate the networking capabilities of the participating fellows. We recognize that the mentee– mentor relationship alone is not sufficient; providing fellows with the opportunity to meet other people who can also provide support, information, and resources is critical. Thus, the eIRTI will strongly support participation in events that offer networking opportunities.

  • NHSN Annual National Scientific Conference: Participating fellows will be encouraged to attend and present at the NHSN annual conference as a major opportunity for not only training and mentoring but networking with senior drug research scientists.
  • eIRTI Panels/Symposiums/Workshops: We recognize the importance of highlighting and showcasing the important research and successful outcomes of eIRTI fellows. With eIRTI program oversight, fellows will be encouraged to organize and submit eIRTI focused panels, symposiums, and workshop abstracts to established national meetings (e.g., College on Problems of Drug Dependence, American Public Health Association, Society for Prevention Research, Society for Neuroscience, etc.).
  • El Faro: La Voz de la Red Newsletter: The eIRTI fellows will also have access to the NHSN newsletter, El Faro. This quarterly member newsletter is used to integrate the NHSN network by providing stories and updates on members’ research.