J. Bryan Page, PhD
Department of Anthropology & Director, International Studies Program
University of Miami
Dr. J. Bryan Page is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Miami. Dr. Page specializes in studying the consumption of drugs in urban, street based settings. His 42-year career in the anthropology of drug use has focused on the consequences and impacts of various patterns of legal and illegal drug use in a wide variety of cultural settings. Among his funded projects supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Mental Health are studies of: poly-drug use in the Seminole Tribe of Florida, poly-drug use among Cuban immigrants, prescription drug use among women, long-term marihuana use among Costa Rican working class men, HIV risk and disease progression among injection drug users (IDUs) in Miami, HIV risk among IDUs in Valencia, Spain, response to the HIV epidemic among Haitian Women, Haitian youth and gang activity, and needle cleansing behavior among Miami IDUs. These projects have resulted in the publication of over 100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters and numerous other materials, plus two peer reviewed books co-authored with Merrill Singer. After serving fourteen years a Chair of the Department of Anthropology, he is returning to a mix of teaching and research.
Selected Publications:
Page, J. B. (2022). Anthropology and the study of illicit drug use. A Companion to Medical Anthropology, 275-294.
Singer, M., & Page, J. B. (2019). Hide-and-seek: Challenges in the ethnography of street drug users. Inside ethnography: Researchers reflect on the challenges of researching hidden populations, 103-19.
Baum, M. K., Campa, A., Page, J. B., Lai, S., Tsalaile, L., Martinez, S. S., … & Bussmann, H. (2015). Recruitment, Follow-Up and Characteristics of HIV Infected Adults who Use Illicit Drugs in Southern Africa. Journal of Drug Abuse, 1(1). PMID: 26855969;PMCID: PMC4739794.